Caliae Collins  for her excellent time management when writing her poetry.  She has created some awesome poems. 

(Week 2, Term 2)

 Chase Rowlands for showing the virtues of respect and courtesy while having relieving teachers in the class.  (Week 4, Term 2) 

Bianca Koenig showing the virtues of caring, frindliness, and helpfulness in the classroom and playground. (Week 6 , Term 2) 

Dean Cooper for the virtue of excellence in participating fully in all class activities and showing awesome listening skills too. (Week 8, Term 2)

Jayden McBeth for the work he put into Mathletics during the holidays earning two certificates. (Week 1 Term 3)

Ashley Pellowe for her constant enthusiasm for learning.  She strives to do her best in all areas of school. (Week 3 Term 3)

Aly Guillemot for her helpfulness and enthusiasm in and around the classroom and school. (Week 6, Term 3)

Sam-Brodie Rhind for helpfulness, caring and patience.  He showed all these virtues when volunteering to teach other children to ski when they were not as confident as he was. (Week 8, Term 3)

Terry McDermott for his courage and enthusiasm in leading the Kapa Haka group in the Tuwharetoa festival last week. (Week 10, Term 3)

Rua Rapata for showing the dedication in doing his home reading every night.  Your reading fluency has improved too. 

(Week 3, Term 2)

Joshua Campbell for showing the virtue of excellence by putting a 100% effort into his reading tasks. (Week 5, Term 2)

Ruben Poulter for his all round enthusiasm for learning.  He is a keen class participant and often brings extra information from home to share with the class. (week 7, term 2)

Tayla Nordstrom and Aimee Golebiowski for the outstanding effort they have put into their poetry writing this term.(Week 9, Term 2)

Jacob Klein for the awesome attitude and work ethics he has started term 3 with.   (Week 2, Term 3)

Cole Robinson for the very clear sets of instructions he has been writing.   He also includes humour in his writing. (Week 5, Term 3).

Jackson King for the awesome effort he is putting into his reading activities showing a good understanding of what he has read. (Week 7, Term 3)

Jessica Walker for the outstanding effort she put into learning her words for the spellathon.  She was rewarded with a top result! (Week 9, Term 3)

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