Ruben Poulter for gaining top marks in 4 out of the 5 Live Mathletics Levels.  (Week 1, Term 2)

Jacob Klein for switching back onto Mathletics and gaining a certificate after having a break from it for 2 months.  (Week 3, Term 2)

Aaron Trethowen for his enthusiasm for Mathletics and the improvement he has made in his Basic facts speed. (Week 5, Term 2)

Aimee Golebiowski for scoring an over 10,000 points. An amazing effect on Mathletics in the last week. (Week 7, Term 2)

Stuart Lusty for achieveing Human Calculator in Level 1 and 2 on mathletics and a high percentage in Level 3-5 too. (Week 9, Term 2)

Joshua Campbell for being Room 2's top scoring Mathlete of the week last week. (Week 2, Term 3)

Joshua Campbell for being the Senior Syndicate Mathlete Trophy winner for a high score of 12744. (Week 4, Term 3)

Aimee Golebiowski for achieving the highest accuracy rate on Level 5 Live Mathletics.  (Week 6, Term3)

Stuart Lusty for being the first member of Room 2 to become Human Calculator of Levels 1,2,3 and 4!! (Week8, Term 3)

Abbey He for having achieved 18 certificates (places her 13th in class) which is an amazing effort considering she was not in the country for the first 8 weeks of the year! (Week 10, Term 3)

Navanah Heke for gaining an amazing 7999 points on Mathletics activities this week (Week 2, Term 2) 

 Daisy Morgan for all round excellence in using the Mathletics website weekly.  (Week 4, Term 2)

Tayla Nordstrom for the highest answer rate per minute in Live Mathletics.  She can answer 62 problems in 60 seconds at Level 1.  (Week 6, Term 2)

Chase Rowlands for achieving a silver certificate and 3691 points after having a long break away from Mathletics. (Week 8, Term 2)

Aly Guillemot for the effort she put into Mathletics in the holidays to gain two certificates after a long while without gaining one.(Week 1, Term 3)

Jayden McBeth for becoming a Human Calculator at level 2 on Live Mathletics. (Week 3, Term 3)

Terry McDermott for achieving 2 certificates in the last two weeks after a long break from Mathletics. (Week 5, Term 3)

Everyone in Room 2 after the supberb effort put in last week during NZ Mathletics Week Challenge.  Out of 28 children participating all but one child got a certificate (1000 points).  5 children got between 1000-2000 points, 8 children got between 2000-3000 points, 7 children got between 3000-5000 points, 4 children got between 5000-10000 points, 2 children got between 10000-15000 points and 1 child got over 15000 points.  I am so proud of all of you.  Congratulations!! 

Bianca Koenig for the consistent effort she puts into Mathletics and improving her accuracy at all levels of Live Mathletics. (Week 9, Term3)

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